Collect Pop Tabs at home, work, school, or in your community, then drop the tabs off at Ronald McDonald House, and we’ll be happy to recycle them for you. If you live out of town, you may also recycle the tabs yourself and donate the proceeds to the House.
Please note: many manufacturers of soup, pet food, etc., are now using steel cans with pull tabs. The steel tabs are not a part of this recycling program – only aluminum tabs. Not sure how to tell? Steel tabs stick to a magnet, but aluminum tabs will not.
Collect Pop Tabs in any easy-to-empty container – zip lock bags or coffee cans work well, but not milk or juice jugs. RMHC Pop Tab Collection Houses are also available.
THANK YOU to all the schools that have participated in our Pop Tab Collection Contest over the years. RMHC-NM is no longer sponsoring a school contest, but you can still help support our families by collecting aluminum tabs and bringing them to the Yale House at 1011 Yale Blvd NE or by taking them directly to Rudy’s Recycling at 1224 2nd Street, NW, Albuquerque. (Rudy will donate the funds from your donation directly to RMHC-NM.)